Eleni Grammatikopoulou

Eleni Grammatikopoulou is a science communication enthusiast. At first as head of NHRF’s Educational Events, her responsibilities included the management of the pioneering program “SCIENCE SOCIETY» (1993-2013 aiming to the public understanding of science. She also participated in the design, submission and implementation of relevant European projects

Since June 2013, she is a freelancer involved in similar activities and events .Her aim has always been the dissemination of research to the general public, towards combating “scientific illiteracy”. In 2014 Eleni created a  non-conventional group  the “Science Reactors” , a scientific stand-up comedy group of scientists and researchers that combine stand-up comedy with science communication (Stand up Science and Science on Stage).

In 2018, she was awarded the Science Communication Award – EPI2 2018, which was established by SciCo and premiered at the Athens Science Festival18.

Since   2021   Eleni has been collaborating  with Pantazis Houlis, the  founder and owner of the Kastellorizo Puzzle Museum in organizing a large scientific event (on an international scale) in Kastellorizo – the place of his origin- “The Puzzle Festival”  The entire event is carried out by the Kastellorizo Puzzle Museum and EN.I.G.MA (Union of Ideas, Puzzles, and Mathematics). Recently she became a member of EN.I.G.MA Board of Trustees. After the festival’s great success they both work  and have succeeded on expanding its organization all over Greece.

She has also worked as production manager for a number of historical and scientific documentaries, as well as short films and TV commercials. Sixty of the NHRF’s  scientiic editions were published under her own supervision.