Christina V. Oikonomopoulou

Christina V. Oikonomopoulou, is the Head of Administration Department at Hellenic Pasteur Institute.
She was born and grew up in Arcadia Greece. She studied, Health Services Management and Public Administration and got her doctoral degree from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, School of Health Sciences.
She had trained in France on Hospital Management (Strasbourg, Hospices Civils du Strasbourg, and Health Informatics (Paris, Ministry of Health).

Over the last 30 years she has worked as staff  member  in the Public Health Sector (Athens Children Hospital  P and A. Kyriakou), and as PDG  in Children’s Mental Hospital of Attica, Network of Services of Mental Health for Children and Adolescents.

She also has a  long  academic and educational activity teaching Management and  Human Resource’s Management, as Lecturer at  the Demokriteion University  of  Thrace, the University of  Peloponnese and in post-graduate programs at  Nursing Faculty of Athens University and  Medical Faculty of University  of Crete.

She also has a big experience in the Open and Distance Learning Education, since 2002, as a member of academic staff of Greek Open University and Cyprus Open University.

Her main research interests are focused on the Development of Human Resources, Improvement of Quality of Care, and more recently on the Crisis Management.

Among her activities should be mentioned her participations as member of board of Directors at the Institute of Child Health and the Foundation Angelos and Leto Katakouzenos.