Solar System Tour
The purpose of the solar system tour is for the visitor to understand the relative sizes and relative distances between the planets. How close to the Sun the inner planets are and how far away the outer ones are, how “empty” the solar system is in terms of the area it occupies in relation to the total diameters of all the planets, all eight of which fit between the distance of Earth – Moon.
The model of the solar system scale is for all ages, especially for children to scale the sizes of the solar system.

Diploma in Astronomy and Planetary Sciences – British Open University, Amateur Astronomer, Self Employed
Kimon was born in Athens and is the 2nd generation since 1997 in the family company of screen and digital printing "Pantotype - L&K Papathanasopoulos", which has been based in Athens since 1947.
A new branch of the company is developed and managed by Kimon, called "Astrogenesis Collection" which is the printing applications of science and astronomical artworks on various substrates such as (t-shirts, mugs, posters, magnets, bags, and many more) found at and
He has been involved in HEL.SPA (Hellenic Screen Printing Association) since 1997, and from 2003 to 2011 he served as the general secretary of the association and participated as a HEL.SPA delegate to FESPA (Federation of European Screen Printing Associations) meetings. Since February 2023 was elected to the presency of FESPA Hellas.
Astronomy and astrophysics have been his interests since his childhood years, studying astronomy and using tools (such as telescopes and cameras) for capturing the heavens was his passion. This led to studying astronomy at the British Open University (OU) getting a diploma in Astronomy and planetary sciences. He is cooperative with the National Observatory of Athens, the University of Athens, and other associations and organizations of astronomy in Greece.
The Astronomical & Astrophysical Society of Western Greece – “Heraklis”, (AAEDE – Heraklis) is the amateur astronomy club of the Prefecture of Etoloakarnania with its headquarters in Agrinio. He organizes a number of astronomical events, excursions, lectures, educational seminars, participates in observations of total solar eclipses around the world. It has fields of solar observation, astrophotography, astrometry, sundials, etc.