Every visitor (young or old) may take part in the 8th MAA, a now institutionalized puzzle competition. This year, the contestants will give their best in one (or two!) of the sports events of the Dodecathlon, a revolutionary innovative game of the Puzzle Museum. In the 100 meters, our athletes will run in a different way, hoping in the end to win one of the three medals, gold, silver or bronze. In this process, they must try to understand exactly what is happening (it’s a puzzle!), while learning (without knowing it!) basic concepts of Statistics and Probability Theory.
The Megistian Aenigma Agon (Megistian, due to the name “Megisti”) is a Quadruple International Competition (Inscription, Illusion, Invention and Interaction) that began in 2017. It is a celebration of games and riddles for children from 0 to 150 years old, presenting to the world the leading role of Greece. Since 2021, MAA is part of the Kastellorizo Puzzle Festival (as well as the 17th KEC Puzzle Exhibition that started in 2008). The other three competitions of the MAA, using verbal puzzles (Inscription), images based puzzles (Illusion), or three-dimensional puzzles (Invention), from 2022 no longer take place, due to multiple events and lack of time. But hopefully they will come back at some point in the future.