1st Kastellorizo Puzzle Festival

More than fifty scientists, researchers and artists shared the dream of the founder of the Megisti Puzzle Museum, Pantazis Houlis – who embodied the idea of Eleni Grammatikopoulou – and enthusiastically took part in the three-day events of the 1st Kastellorizo Puzzle Festival.
From 24 to 26 September, thanks to the excellent organization of Eleni Grammatikopoulou, one of the very few experts in the field of science communication, and the hospitable host Pantazis Ηoulis, the first Kastellorizo Puzzle Festival was completed with absolute success.
The result was that the locals of Kastellorizo, young and old, came together with the scientists and artists who went to the island from Athens, Crete, Patras and Thessaloniki.
Kastellorizo came to the center of international scientific interest, thanks to actions developed in four axes by using puzzles as the main theme:
(a) scientific experiments and discussions
b) science games for young and old
c) exhibitions (puzzles and astrophysics)
d) artistic workshops for children and actions that brought together arts and science.
Alongside the activities of the festival, the 5th Megistian Aenigma Agon took place. Also, the international competition of the automotive industry TOYOTA was declared, with the theme “paint the car of your dreams”.
The First Kastellorizo Puzzle Festival gave the opportunity to the students from the island, and also from Rhodes, and to the adult locals and visitors, to understand the true meaning of puzzles, which is a timeless way to make the diffusion of science attractive.
Kastellorizo has a long tradition in puzzles and it is no coincidence that Pantazis Houlis and Michalis Toulouzas, the two unique Greek puzzle makers, come from our remote island and they actively represent Greece at the International Puzzle Party. Meanwhile, the Megisti Puzzle Museum, since October 2020, has been declared as a European Center for Science, Technology and Arts (S+T+ARTS).
The First Kastellorizo Puzzle Festival was attended by representatives of the state, the bodies of the central administration that gave their patronage and supported in every way the organization of the festival, and representatives of the Local Government. Everyone expressed their satisfaction for the realization of the festival and made a promise: that the Kastellorizo Puzzle Festival, this very original and creative initiative, will become an institution that will always bring the remote island from the edge of the European Union to the center of international scientific interest.
Kastellorizo can now be proud because from now on it will export culture.
One of the main features of interest of the First Kastellorizo Puzzle Festival is the fact that it was covered by many Greek media, but also by the international press.

A major scientific event
Τhe Kastellorizo Puzzle Festival, is a major scientific event, which will take place in September (24-26/9). It is a voluntary initiative of national importance, an event of high scientific level, and above all, a great celebration of science, offering new knowledge and joy to the public of the island – of all ages and cognitive levels – and beyond.
We need to point out that the PF springs from Kastellorizo itself and is addressed to its residents and especially to its young audience. a major scientific event
But why is it called Puzzle Festival? It is because of the Megisti Puzzle Museum’s influence. Pantazis Houlis, is the founder and owner of the Museum, which holds one of the largest puzzle collections in the world (many of which are his own inventions and constructions). He was a former professor at the University of Western Australia, and now a collaborator with the University of Crete (Summer School).
The idea belongs to Eleni Grammatikopoulou, known for her involvement to date in the field of science communication. She has participated in organizing major scientific events all over Greece always with great success. For this important work she has been awarded.
They have both successfully collaborated on two festivals in Athens and with great enthusiasm Pantazis accepted her proposal for the organization of this festival in Kastellorizo. He feels great honor and joy that such a large event (on an international scale) will take shape in his place of origin.
Distinguished scientists from various research institutions in the country will provide educational activities, guided tours, speeches, theatrical games, original events, interactive experiments, and many more. We believe that they will excite the public of all ages, who will follow them, and most importantly, will all participate actively.
The PF theme will focus mainly on:
Mechanical Learning | AI | Digital Transformation |Robotics | STEM Education |Health | Environment | Art
The entire event is carried out by the Megisti Puzzle Museum and EN.I.G.MA (Union of Ideas, Puzzles, and Mathematics), under the aegis of the Ministry of Development/ General Secretariat for Research and Innovation. It is supported by the Ministry of National Defense
while there is a clear interest from the Municipality of Megisti and the Region of N. Aegean. In addition, the participation of the University of Crete, the Hellenic Pasteur Institute, EL.KE.THE, the Eugenides Foundation and other scientific/educational institutions has been ensured.
After all, the choice of date is not random. It is set at the end of September (24-26/9), when the schools will be open and the locals will not be too busy with tourism. Therefore, children and adults will enjoy it, and more importantly, will participate actively. More than 50 presenters of the Puzzle Festival have as their only motive their love for the communication of science and the provision of knowledge to the inhabitants – of all ages- of this remote island.