How the festival became an institution!
This was the goal of the daring venture of the 1st Puzzle Festival that started in 2021, and it succeeded! And now it continues established and confident.
The Kastellorizo Puzzle Festival, after a series of successful and painful events, became an institution, gaining the love, trust and interest not only of the local community but also of neighboring islands and other areas of Greece, proving that a small and remote island can now create its own culture.
The famous Puzzle Bird of Kastellorizo is a rare endemic species. So, wanting to spread moral knowledge and science, it decided to evolve and become a migratory bird, spreading his wings and spreading the joy of puzzles everywhere!
The driving force of the festival is the founder of the Megisti Puzzle Museum, Pantazis Houlis and Eleni Grammatikopoulou, known for her long experience in the field of Science communication. They are surrounded by renowned academics, researchers, scientists, educators and people of art who share their dream and enthusiastically participate in all events.
The most important event of the festival will be the participation of the researcher and director of computer systems of MIT Media Lab, Mr. Michalis Bletsas, who recently accepted the position of Governor of the National Cybersecurity Authority at the Ministry of Digital Governance.
But because a Puzzle Festival without puzzles is inconceivable, the highlight of this year’s event will be two world-class leading figures of puzzles, Oskar van Deventer (considered the top puzzler on a creative level), while the well-known for his famous cube Erno Rubik will be online at the opening of the festival.
Focusing on the theme of Puzzles, but also with parallel scientific activities and experiential events, they will highlight science and modern technology – beyond unconventional educational standards – as an exciting experience! The 3rd Kastellorizo Puzzle Festival holds many surprises for everyone.
For the program and the excellent participations we will come back immediately.
We welcome you to the 4th Kastellorizo Puzzle Festival, with the well-established message, which will henceforth broadcast: We are not just repeating past events, but we are making history by exporting traditional, innovative, creative culture
➢ from Kastellorizo to Kastellorizo,
➢ from Kastellorizo to the rest of Greece,
➢ and from Greece to all the world!
The logo of this year’s festival is Puzzle Bird, which is not a coincidence.