A successful but also very demanding, rich in content and innovative scientific actions, three day event, won again the love and interest of young and old.

For three days, this small remote island became the center of scientific knowledge, hosting a plethora of scientific events, impressive experiments, original actions, educational programs, games and workshops. At the same time, puzzle exhibitions, puzzle workshops and puzzle competitions, morning guided tours of the island’s trails, screenings and traditional dances, kept the participation of the students of the island and students from Rhodes, Symi, and Chalki undiminished.
Special mention is due to the organization Chamogelo tou Paidiou (Smile of the Child) for the participation of ODYSSEAS, the 1st mobile laboratory of information, education and technology with its action on abuse “Convey not a game”.
The excellent speech of the academic Mr. Stamatis Krimizis will remain indelible in the memory of all of us for a long time, not only for the live presentation of the impressive design of space navigation programs but also for his wise exhortations and inspiration to young people.
One of the most moving moments of the Festival was the emblematic figure of Mrs. Evangelia Xenopoulou, known internationally as the Nightingale of Kastellorizo, who amazed us with her presence and took us on a journey with her unchanging voice in the history of the island.
All participating academic teachers, scientists, researchers and educators designed and adapted their presentations specifically for the requirements of this special festival. We believe that the different approach to science contributed constructively to the dissemination of new knowledge and piqued the curiosity of the mainly young public for further pursuits. And that’s another big puzzle to solve. The choice of their future path.
The organization was carried out by Pantazis Houlis, mathematician and founder of the Megisti Puzzle Museum and the Association EN.I.G.MA (Union of Ideas, Puzzles & Mathematics) in collaboration with Eleni Grammatikopoulou, known for her long-term contribution to science communication. The Puzzle Festival was co-organized with the South Aegean Region and supported by the Municipality of Megisti.
Valuable helpers: the Ministry of Education, Religious Affairs & Sports, the Ministry of National Defence, the Ministry of Shipping & Island Policy, and the General Secretariat for Research and Innovation who placed the festival under their auspices.
The Puzzle Festival could not have taken place without the pro bono participation of more than 35 researchers, academics, and educators from academic, research and educational institutions of the country who shared our vision and with their presence supported this great event.
Many thanks from the bottom of my heart to the private sponsors, who supported this great voluntary effort, showing love and trust.
Similar support was provided by the large number of media/sponsors with a series of announcements, interviews and screenings.
We thank the local authorities and volunteers for their warm support.
Can Kastellorizo create its own culture?
This was the goal of the daring venture of the 1st Puzzle Festival in 2021, and it succeeded! It was clearly confirmed with the 2nd Festival and the corresponding festivals of Patras and Athens in 2022, and now it returns, established and certain, to prove that it is now an institution.
The driving force of the festival is the founder of the Megisti Puzzle Museum, Pantazis Houlis and Eleni Grammatikopoulou, known for her long experience in the field of Science communication. They are surrounded by renowned academics, researchers, scientists, educators and people of art who share their dream and enthusiastically participate in all events.
Focusing on the theme of Puzzles but also with parallel scientific activities and experiential events, they will highlight science and modern technology – beyond unconventional educational standards – as an exciting experience!
The 3rd Kastellorizo Puzzle Festival holds many surprises for everyone.
For the program and the excellent participations we will come back immediately.
Welcome back (!) the Kastellorizo Puzzle Festival, with the now established message, which will henceforth broadcast: We are not just repeating events of the past, but we are writing history by exporting traditional, innovative, creative culture
➢ from Kastellorizo to Kastellorizo,
➢ from Kastellorizo to the rest of Greece,
➢ and from Greece all over the world!

Ostomachion, the new logo of the Festival:
For 2023, the new logo of the 3rd Kastellorizo Puzzle Festival refers to the oldest recorded puzzle in the history of mankind, the Ostomachion of Archimedes. The etymology of the word is interpreted by the expression “Battle of the Bones”, because it was made of ivory. By rescuing the famous palimpsest containing further information, it turned out that this puzzle was a combinatorial problem, something that surprised the scientific community.
The purpose of the puzzle is to rearrange its 14 pieces into a square frame. In 2003 it was found that there were 536 ways. But after further research in Kastellorizo, new data based on ancient texts prove that three of the incisions could be unfounded, and that there are almost ten times as many ways.